In your application for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) wants to know about your physical or mental disability. They will review your application for confirmation that your disability prevents you from working for at least a year. What are they looking for in particular? The SSA wants objective medical evidence that clearly supports…
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What Not to Say in a Disability Interview
During your Social Security disability application process, you may very well have to go through a disability interview. This is likely to happen at one of the levels of appeal offered during the process. In particular, you will be interviewed by an administrative law judge (ALJ) at a hearing concerning your application for Social Security…
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How Long Will I Have to Wait for a Decision on My Disability Benefits?
If you have applied for Social Security disability benefits, the wait to receive a decision on your application can feel like an eternity. After all, Social Security provides critical financial support for disabled individuals who are likely struggling to meet ends meet. When you are in this kind of position, any wait time can easily…
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What Are the Five Steps SSA Takes to Determine Disability?
Did you know that the Social Security Administration has a five-step, sequential evaluation process to determine whether an individual is disabled or not disabled? Each step of the way, the SSA makes an analysis and tries to determine whether an individual is disabled or not. If the SSA cannot make that determination at a particular…
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Importance of Your Doctor in Your Disability Claim
Do you need to file for Social Security Disability benefits? A well-qualified support team can be essential in helping you successfully navigate this process. Your doctor will play a particularly significant role in your disability claim. While most people may be aware of the prominent role medical records will have in the process, the importance…
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What Type of Documentation Do You Need to Provide When Applying for Social Security Disability?
The disability application process can feel both endless and overwhelming. Disability benefits, however, can be critically important to those feeling the force of financial impact that can come with being disabled or having a family member with a disability. The Social Security disability programs can help provide much-needed financial support each month to help ensure…
Continue reading…Confused between SSDI or SSI? Here’s what’s not common in them
The Social Security Administration (SSA) runs both the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) under the Federal programs. The disability guidelines stated by the SSA are the same for both the programs which is stated in the Blue Book. An American who qualifies the federal definition of disability stated in the…
Continue reading…Common mistakes after denial of SSDI application
The most common question our social security disability lawyers are asked is whether I should appeal for social security after being denied SSDI. Our lawyers have the most reliable answer for you: Yes! You should appeal for SSDI after you have been denied at least one. Amongst the vast amount of applications received only 20%…
Continue reading…I was denied disability benefits besides having enough work credits
Most people go to panic modes when they get their disability applications denied – However, most people do not realize that denied disability benefits could be appealed within the six months of denial with a 35% chance of getting your disability benefits approved at some level of appeal. Read on to find out how! Social…
Continue reading…8 things you must have/do before applying for Disability Benefits
A successful disability application is which has been fulfilled properly and has minimum probability of being denied. It requires a vast knowledge of the do’s and don’ts’s concerning your SSDI since only minor carelessness could be the reason of your disability application being denied. The most difficult thing in your SSDI application is to prove…
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