There are many disabling conditions that will qualify a person to receive Social Security disability benefits, whether they be Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). To give you a sense of what disabling conditions Social Security benefit receivers are living with, we will review some of the most commonly asserted disabling…
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What Not to Say in a Disability Interview
During your Social Security disability application process, you may very well have to go through a disability interview. This is likely to happen at one of the levels of appeal offered during the process. In particular, you will be interviewed by an administrative law judge (ALJ) at a hearing concerning your application for Social Security…
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What is the Difference Between SSI and SSDI?
When you are disabled and trying to untangle the web of jargon associated with Social Security benefits, it is easy to become frustrated. The terminology is confusing and often difficult to decode. Even the most basic questions regarding what benefits you may qualify for can be enough to send you through a loop. We hope…
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How Hiring an Attorney Can Help Manage SSDI Appeal Stress
Receiving a denial letter after filing your application for Social Security disability benefits can be devastating. After the effort it took to apply for benefits which you may be in desperate need of, the denial can cause you to lose hope all too easily. Know that now is not the time to lose hope. There…
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Is Diabetes a Qualifying Condition for Social Security Benefits?
If you live with diabetes, you know the weight it can place on conducting the business of everyday life. Its impacts can be severe and far reaching. Diabetes can also make it difficult to work. Should this be the case, you may be able to qualify for Social Security benefits. Is Diabetes a Qualifying Condition…
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PTSD and Social Security Benefits
Those who have suffered through a traumatic event such as military combat, domestic abuse, or a serious accident, may be left with an anxiety disorder known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When living with PTSD, a person may experience panic attacks and flashbacks that can make it difficult to go about day to day life….
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Preparing for Your Telephone Disability Hearing
Sometimes, you can’t appear in person for your disability hearing or you have a preference not to appear in person. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration (SSA) began allowing disability applicants to appear via telephone. Video hearings are also available now. There is a different dynamic to having a telephone…
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How Long Will I Have to Wait for a Decision on My Disability Benefits?
If you have applied for Social Security disability benefits, the wait to receive a decision on your application can feel like an eternity. After all, Social Security provides critical financial support for disabled individuals who are likely struggling to meet ends meet. When you are in this kind of position, any wait time can easily…
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When Are Children Eligible for SSD Benefits?
Having a child with disabilities can cause a family to confront many different challenges and this may be even more true for those families with lower incomes. In such situations, these families are likely curious as to their options for receiving government support, such as Social Security disability benefits. When, however, are children eligible these…
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Do I Still Qualify for SSD Benefits If I Lose My Job?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) actually offers a number of incentives to those on disability looking to rejoin the workforce. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. Working can help alleviate the need to receive disability benefits, either fully or in part, and also allows the individual with a disabling condition…
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