Receiving a denial letter after filing your application for Social Security disability benefits can be devastating. After the effort it took to apply for benefits which you may be in desperate need of, the denial can cause you to lose hope all too easily. Know that now is not the time to lose hope. There are several level of appeals you can access after an initial denial of your Social Security benefits application. The appeals process, however, can be daunting and you may be feeling defeated upon receiving that initial denial. You do not have to go through the appeals process alone. Hiring an attorney can not only help you navigate the Social Security disability benefits appeals process, but it can bring you a great deal of peace of mind and reduce your stress levels as well.
How Hiring an Attorney Can Help Manage SSDI Appeal Stress
Going into the SSDI appeal process, you should know that a greater percentage of people find success in the appeals process than they do in their initial SSDI application. That alone should help make you feel better before you even get started. Second, you should know that you, and everyone else, has the right to legal representation during the appeals process. Having a knowledgeable and dedicated attorney by your side throughout the process can help you during what can be a confusing and stressful time.
First of all, your attorney will handle many things that are standard for them, but foreign for you. For instance, your attorney will be able to access your file. As legal representation for you, the claimant, your attorney has the right to access this information on your behalf. Accessing and reviewing your file will be important before getting into the appeals process.
Your attorney will also have the authorization to access your medical records and other key supporting evidence. Medical records are critical in SSDI claims. Your attorney will be able to review your records, make sure the right records have been submitted in associated with your claim, and see if anything is missing that needs to be included. Many claims are, in fact, initially denied simply because the applicant failed to submit the necessary medical documentation to support a valid claim. Unfortunately, accessing medical records can be a bit of a logistical nightmare, but is likely to be easier for an attorney with vast experience in maneuvering through the red tape.
Your attorney will also be able to attend any Social Security Administration interviews or hearings. It can help lower your stress to know that someone whose job is to protect your best interests and advocate on your behalf is by your side. There will be someone next to you who knows the process and what should or should not happen. Your attorney will also be key in preparing you for things like SSA interviews, conferences, or hearings. Preparation can be invaluable to helping manage stress associated with the process.
Disability Attorney
Disability Advocates will be by your side throughout the SSDI appeals process. Get the peace of mind that can come from having a trusted advocate by your side. Contact us today.