Disability in California:
A Look at the Process from

Disability Advocates Group is a law team committed to providing disabled Californians with the help they need to receive the benefits they are entitled to. We know that, without skilled advocacy, too many individuals who need government benefits are left behind, so we are determined to fight aggressively on your behalf.

As you can see from some of the charts below, the process of obtaining disability benefits can be arduous and time-consuming, especially for someone who faces physical or mental health challenges. You will find our knowledgeable, compassionate disability attorneys ready to support you through every step of the process.

California’s Approval Rate

California's approval rate for disability benefits is about the same as the national average for awarding benefits. After filing the initial application, almost 37% of disability applicants are approved to receive benefits. At the reconsideration level (the first level of appeal), about 12% of the previously denied cases are approved. And at the disability hearing level (the second level of appeal), in 2019, 56% of the previously denied cases were approved for benefits (with a higher percentage of disability claimants who have a disability lawyer or representative winning benefits).

2015 California
Disability Working

The employment rate for people with I/DD has remained abysmally low. People with I/DD still lag far behind the general population in employment in virtually every measurable category.

Statistics consistently show that individuals with I/DD have fewer jobs, work fewer hours, and get paid less across the board than their non-disabled counterparts.

Employment Rates In California

The Application Process for Rejected Applications

1. Initial Application

Applications can be rejected for several reasons including not providing enough medical evidence to forgetting a doctor's letter. This is why having an attorney review your application before applying can help prevent rejection.


-0.4% National Average

2. Reconsideration Review

After receiving rejection you have 60 days to request an appeal. The first step in the appeals process is Reconsideration. Time is of the essence so don't hesitate in contacting an attorney.


-1% National Average

3. Appeal Hearing

After reconsideration, you might need to schedule a hearing. The average wait time in California for an ALJ hearing as of 2020 was 16 months, down from 8 months in 2019.


+11% National Averag

Veteran Applications in LA

In Los Angeles, SSA working with VA and the California State DDS has significantly improved the quality of disability applications filed by homeless veterans. The partnership to improve customer service to this particular community began in 1995 and is ongoing. The re-engineered process significantly reduced the handling and mail time for these applications cutting 45 days off the 100-day average processing time.

Average SSD Processing Times

LA vs CA: Number of Recipients in the State

Los Angeles County Demographics


Applying for government disability benefits is a lengthy, frustrating process. Contacting Disability Advocates Group Law Firm will give you a distinct advantage because our attorneys not only know the process inside and out, but are personally familiar with personnel at government offices. We will clarify the situation and prepare you for meetings, be at your side for disability hearings, assist you in getting medical and/or psychiatric reports and filling out required documents, and supply you with the fortitude to pursue your deserved benefits. Don’t let the government roadblocks keep you from obtaining what is rightfully yours -- contact Disability Advocates group by calling 800-935-3170.