doctor reviewing medical records

Medical Records Are Key in Your SSDI Application

In your application for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) wants to know about your physical or mental disability. They will review your application for confirmation that your disability prevents you from working for at least a year. What are they looking for in particular? The SSA wants objective medical evidence that clearly supports…

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pile of files

How You Can File a Request for Reconsideration

Has your application for Social Security disability benefits been denied? It can be disheartening, but do not lose hope! Many more people have success on the various levels of appeal after the initial denial. The first step is to file a Request for Reconsideration. Here’s how you can do that. Request for Reconsideration Process The…

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parent and child holding hands

Claims for Early Onset Dementia

Dementia does not just impact those who have already stopped working due to reaching retirement age. Early-onset dementia claims more people than most might fully be aware of. If you or a loved one are exhibiting signs of early onset dementia and it has impacted your ability to maintain a job, then you might want…

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woman handling a headache

Can You File a Disability Claim for Headaches?

To many, headaches are a nuisance. An ache that persists in your head for an extended period of time can be a real annoyance. For others, headaches become so severe and so persistent that it becomes a disabling condition. The chronic pain in their head prevents them from working. Many times, headaches are a symptom…

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disability claim application

Appealing Your Disability Claim in Federal Court

Many applications for Social Security disability benefits are initially denied. While some find more success at the varying levels of appeal available to claimants, it may still be a struggle to get your application approved. For instance, you may even need to take your appeal case before a Federal District Court if an administrative law…

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woman with chronic fatigue syndrome

Disability Claims and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People seek Social Security disability benefits for a range of debilitating health conditions. Some of these health conditions have been studied much longer and are more established. Others have only been identified in recent years and there are many people who are not as familiar with them and their symptoms. They are also unlikely to…

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What Happens at a Disability Hearing?

The reality is that many applications for Social Security disability benefits are initially denied. Fortunately, many applicants find success and different levels of appealing such a denial. If your application has been denied, you can always petition for reconsideration. If reconsideration does not help, you can proceed with the next level of appeal in the…

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Woman completing SSDI application

Who Qualifies for SSDI and SSI?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers two somewhat similar sounding programs that are both geared towards providing financial assistance to disabled Americans. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the Supplement Security Income (SSI) may share these similarities, but they are different in very important ways. Particularly, they differ in who qualifies for them. Those…

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